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Steven Springer and his wife Rene are the Founders and Senior Leaders of Global Presence Ministries, establishing places of God’s presence, which function as apostolic equipping centers. The Springers provide apostolic oversight to churches and ministries in the Upper Great Lakes Region, as well as in Ghana, Africa.

Anointed as an Apostle, Prophet and Evangelist, Steven carries and imparts a remarkable gift of faith and compassion accompanied by great signs, wonders, and miracles. Ministering across the nations he has seen thousands of salvations, deliverances, and healings, including an eyeball growing back, tumors disappearing, and a baby being raised to life! With humor Steven delivers deep, Kingdom truths and equips people to live supernatural lifestyles. Steven carries a strong dimension of the Father-heart of God, and in Ghana the beautiful children of the Global Presence Hope Home (children who had been orphaned or at-risk) affectionately call him “Papa Steve.”

Steven walks in favor in the government, business, and arts and entertainment industries. He prophesies over nations, leaders of nations, and concerning world events. Internationally and among his friends he is known as a “man of fire” as he walks in the fiery love and power of God.